Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Getting Started

This is not my first attempt at keeping a blog. It's not even my second. I've started blogs for various reasons but always had them specific to one thing; homeschooling, family activities, etc. I'm a stickler for sticking with the theme so wouldn't feel right posting about our trip to the park on a homeschooling blog or my personal thoughts on our family blog and there were many things that, therefore, went unshared.

I've recently discovered the wonderful world of home decorating blogs and have fallen in love. I could spend hours (notice I said "could", what mom of 4 has hours to spend perusing blogs??) reading through all of them and getting inspiration for my own home. There are so many talented and creative women out there with gorgeous homes! So I considered making a decorating blog of my own but then I'd run in to my same problem as before.

So, while trying to decide what to do, I came across this old blog I created years ago but never did anything with and felt it would be perfect! Abounding Blessings can cover anything and everything from the amazing blessings that are my children, to my thoughts on faith and family, to the blessing of finding a treasure at a garage sale and the added blessing of seeing what said treasure looks like transformed with a little creativity.

My goal for today? Take some pictures of my recent finds and decorating projects to share. More to come (hopefully!)....